Agriculture based economies present an opportunity for a sustainable business model that is profitable, providing a permanent solution for generating renewable electricity and thermal energy, carbon offset credits and proper disposal of large quantities of manure generated at dairy farms and other large live stock operations. Major problems associated with waste generated from livestock operations are surface and ground water contamination, increase in phosphate levels, pathogens and air pollution caused by odor, dust, ammonia and methane. Climate change has led to a serious concern about large quantities of methane emissions from existing manure management and storage practices contributing to global warming. Methane is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
Polar Design Studio provides complete services for developing anaerobic bio-digester Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant from feasibility to full Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning (EPC) of the plant. We will also develop carbon-offset credit project document including third party validation, registering project into Climate Registry and annual credit generation monitoring and verification report and registration of carbon credits.
- Consistent long term availability
- Substrate analysis (Volatile Solids, Total Solids, Density, viscosity)
- Quantity
- Mode of Transportation
- Substrate Seasonal Variation
Substrate Flexibility
Plants can be designed for a combination of substrates for example:
Goals: Profitable operation of biogas plant
- Maximum conformity of conceptual design with local conditions
- Extensive analysis and evaluation of pre-design data
- Location, substrate, financing, manpower
- Optimum plant design for maximized persistent output
- Highly efficient plant Operation & Maintenance to maximize profit
- Waste management solution agreements, utility agreements, CNG sale agreements, CDM PDD & CERs sale agreement
Plant Design, Construction and Operation
Project economic analysis and profitability: project financing, cost and revenue, return on investment, pay back period
Plant Preliminary Engineering & Design: plant design, local construction suppliers and contractors, price and skill levels
Plant Construction and Commissioning: planning, engineering, procurement and construction, plant commissioning and process optimization
Plant long-term Profitability: operation & maintenance; technical support and product market
Plant Construction and Commissioning
- Project Completion
- Plant Start-up/Commissioning
- Plant Staff Training and Hand-over
- Plant Optimization and Warrantee
- Plant on-going Operation and Maintenance